SLT » School Leadership Team

School Leadership Team

What is the School Leadership Team?

The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of people who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies.
  • Provide ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement.
  • Play an important role in school-based decision-making
  • Help to make school cultures more collaborative.
SLT Members:
There are three members of the school community who must be members of the SLT:
  • Principal
  • Parent Association/Parent-Teacher Association President
  • United Federation of Teachers Chapter Leader
The other members are elected parents and staff members. The SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff.
An SLT should have a minimum of 10 members, and a maximum of 17 members. The exact number of members on a school’s SLT is stated in the team’s bylaws. Regardless of the total number, the SLT must have an equal number of parents and staff members.
An SLT can also include students (a minimum of two students is required in high school SLTs) and representatives from community-based organizations (CBOs) that work with the school. Students and CBO representatives do not count when determining whether a team has an equal number of parents and staff. The exact composition of a school’s SLT is stated in the team’s bylaws.
If you have any questions, comments, or ideas please contact a member of the STL by calling 718-832-9366

SLT Meetings

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Maria Diaz-Principal
Emile Fici-UFT Chapter Leader
Joseph Otero-SLT Chair Person
Sabrina Tubio-Cid - PTA President
Lisa Levesque - Teacher
Caitlin Dignan - Teacher
Mariel Garcia-Parent Representative
Janet Marte-Parent Representative
Yueyun Lin-Parent Representative
Amanda Idrovo - Parent Representative