News » School Policy for Cell Phones

School Policy for Cell Phones

PS 24 School policy for use of cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment systems
In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, students are now permitted to bring cell phones and other electronic devices to school. While students are free to do so, we continue to urge parents to consider not having their children bring these items to school.

School Policy 

If a student brings a cell phone or other electronic device to school, s/he must have the device turned off and it must be collected by the school staff when students enter the school building; it will then be stored in a designated and safeguarded location, such as the principal’s office. It is incumbent upon the student or his/her parent to place an identifying tag or marker with his/her name in order to distinguish it from other devices.
The student may not use the device under any circumstances unless approved by the classroom teacher supervising the student or an administrator.
The school is not responsible for the lost, stolen, or damaged item.
During after-school activities and school-sponsored programs (for example, clubs, field trips, sports events, etc.), cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment devices will only be permitted to be used at the discretion of the school and the supervising staff.


If a student uses an electronic device in violation of a school’s policy or to engage in any of the prohibited behaviors set forth in the Discipline Code, appropriate guidance interventions and disciplinary actions will be taken.
There are a number of infractions in the Discipline Code that may address the inappropriate use of electronic devices. The Discipline Code provides that when “misbehavior involves communication, gestures or expressive behavior, the infraction applies to oral, written or electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, emailing and social networking.” Accordingly, students may not use electronic devices to engage in prohibited behaviors, which include but are not limited to:
  • making sexually suggestive comments, innuendos, propositions or similar remarks, or engaging in nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature; 
  • engaging in harassing, intimidating and/or bullying behavior, including using electronic communication to engage in such behavior (cyber-bullying); 
  • using slurs based upon actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, national origin, citizenship/immigration status, weight, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or disability); 
  • posting, distributing, displaying or sharing literature or material containing a threat of violence, injury or harm, or depicting violent actions against or obscene, vulgar or lewd pictures of students or staff; and 
  • taking unauthorized photos and/or audio/video recordings of others.


If a student uses an electronic device in violation of school policy or in a manner that causes disruption to classroom instruction or school activities or programs, the school may take one or more of the following steps:
  • 1st Time: Confiscation of item; return device to the Parent/Guardian at the end of the school day.
  • 2nd Time: Confiscation of item; Parent/Guardian Conference (by phone or in person); return device to the Parent/Guardian after seven (7) days.
  • 3rd Time: Confiscation of item; Parent/Guardian Conference (by phone or in person); return device to the Parent/Guardian after fourteen (14) days.
  • 4th Time: Revocation of Privilege to bring devices to school; Parent/Guardian Conference (by phone or in person); Student signs letter acknowledging school policy and fourth offense and revocation of privilege.